Weltanwälte e.V. ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation mit Sitz in Köln, die sichunermüdlich für den Schutz der Menschenrechte und die Stärkung derRechtsstaatlichkeit einsetzt. Mit ihrem Engagement fördert die OrganisationGerechtigkeit, Transparenz und die Einhaltung internationaler Rechtsstandards. Dieser Bericht verfolgt das Ziel, die systematischen Menschenrechtsverletzungenin der Türkei im Jahr 2024 detailliert zu analysieren und die internationaleGemeinschaft für diese alarmierenden Entwicklungen zu sensibilisieren. Ziel istes, zu einer stärkeren Unterstützung der betroffenen Bevölkerungsgruppen undeiner nachhaltigen Lösung beizutragen.
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Violations in the Implementation of Counter-Terrorism Laws
This report addresses the violations of the principles of non-discrimination and equality in theapplication of counter-terrorism laws in Turkey. These laws disproportionately target members ofthe Gülen movement, Kurdish political activists, and revolutionary leftist groups, leading tosystematic human rights abuses. The report aims to provide a comprehensive overview of theseissues, inform the United Nations Human Rights Council, and promote international awarenessand action.
Property Rights Violations in Turkey
This report examines property rights violations related to the Gülen Movement in Turkeybetween 2019 and 2024. The report details the extent of these violations and the necessarylegal framework for addressing them.
Turkey has been a party to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) since 1954 and isobliged to implement the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). However,non-implementation of ECHR judgments results in serious human rights violations in Turkey andundermines the country’s credibility in fulfilling its international obligations. This report addressesthe problem of non-implementation of ECHR judgments in Turkey and proposes solutions.
Discrimination in the Trial Process and Execution Practices ofPolitical Prisoners in Turkey
This report addresses discrimination in execution practices against politicalprisoners held in Turkish prisons. Although Turkey is obliged to comply with internationalhuman rights standards, political prisoners are subjected to systematic discrimination.This report analyses the extent and consequences of this discrimination and proposessolutions.
This report focuses on restric ons on the right to defence and a acks on lawyers in Turkey between 2019-2024. It details the threats to the rule of law, weaknesses in judicial independence, and challenges faced by lawyers in safely prac cing their profession. During this period, both physical and legal a acks on many lawyers demonstrate serious viola ons of the right to defence.